Properties, Inc.
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Interested in: kentucky real estate
and kentucky farms,
land, acreage,
houses, estates,
kentucky horse farms?

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to the right and check
off any of the items
that interest you.
Just general information about kentucky real estate

Please find a quality kentucky farm for me
I want to list some property, real estate, farms, acreage, etc

buying a farm selling a farm
Listing my farm or property with Mullinix Properties

buying land or acreage listing land or acreage
open land crop land wooded forested land

buying a house selling a house
buying a house in the country selling a country house

investment properties
industrial real estate (zoned for industy)

I am looking for retirement properties

Y2K or y2k move to the country type of properties
retiring baby boomers retiring to the country or farm
baby boomers wanting to get back to the land in kentucky
retire in kentucky, kentucky retirement, on a farm
retirement in kentucky, want a house in the country
just want to get out of the city and move to the country
Please Leave a Message for Mullinix Properties Here: Describe the type of real estate that you are interested in
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Upper Limit of Purchase Price

in $ U.S. Dollars

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Please note: the best way to contact this realtor is by calling him !
He is a personable type of fellow and not an email type of person !

kentucky real estate ageny home page

kentucky real estate listings

Mullinix Properties, Inc.
"the farm specialist"
kentucky real estate broker and owner of this real estate agency
Licensed real estate broker - realtor - Crystal, KY

Thomas Mullinix
1455 Billy's Fork Road
Crystal, Kentucky 40336 USA

Located near Irvine, Kentucky in Estill County at the Lee County Line

Business: (606) 723-0262 - best
Home: (606) 723-0262 - best
Cell: (859) 339-6739 - useless

Please Contact Me by Telephone only !

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